Cookie & Privacy Policy


We are reppio IVS (“Reppio”). And we are the guys operating (“the service”) out of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The following cookie and privacy policy should give you are fair understanding of how we collect, store, process, use and disclose any data in relation to using our service.

We really respect you as a customer.
We treat your privacy and data as we want our own privacy and data to be treated.
We we will not share your personal information with any third parties.

Your accept

Using and interacting with our service is seen as an accept of our cookie & privacy policy.

When you are using our service ( we will collect information for four main purposes:

  • Statistics -  How is our service being used?
  • Profile - Your profile details so your employee can pay you salary and contact you
  • Availability - Accept og decline job opportunities

Details on how data is being collected, processed and used can be found in details in the following sections.

If you do not feel comfortable with us collecting such data, you should delete cookies issued through our website, and stop using our service. 

Cookies is using just a few cookies. Cookies are small text files saved on your computer, mobile or tablet.

You can always delete or block cookies - but will limit the performance of our service. is currently issuing the following cookies:

Reppio - Our own cookies:

Login informations are stored with a session cookie to keep you logged in next time you visit

Google Analytics

An anonymous unique ID and cookie are issued by Google Analytics.

We use Google Analytics for statistical purposes and usage of the website - eg. what buttons are being pushed and how users navigate through the website.

Read more about Google Analytics use of cookies.

Mail chimp

When you create a staff profile you are automatically assigned to our email list. You will receive news and email notifications. We are not sharing your email with any third party and will only send you emails that concerns Reppio.

Data Collection

We are segmenting our users in three different groups:

  • Anonymous Website Users - Anonymously browsing and using our service.
  • Invited Users - Guests who have received an invitation through our service from an admin.
  • Profile users - A user who have created a personal profile.

Anonymous Website Users

Only anonymous data will be collected while browsing our website.

Data will mainly be collected by Google Analytics for statistical and analytical reasons - for us to better understand how reppio is working out for you guys.

The data collected is mainly technical information - eg.  browser type,  screen size, device etc.

Other data we are collecting, processing and using:

  • Your IP address - To determine which country you are in. The IP address will not be stored on the reppio platform.

Invited Users

“Invited Users” are defined as users having received an email through the reppio platform, because an admin have invited them to the platform.

For Invited Users we are collecting the same information as for Anonymous Website Users.

Additionally the following personal information will be collected:

  • Email - The email address which is being used to send you the invitation.

Profile Users

Profile Users” are users who have created a personal profile to accept jobs, communicate with your employee and change your profile settings. Your email and password is securely stored in Google firebase.

For Profile Users we are collecting the same data as for Anonymized Website Users and Invited Users. We are also collecting:

  • Email Address - Your identification for login. And contact address for your guests. Also used for sending you information regarding an upcoming event.
  • Password - A secret and safe password, for your eyes only. Used for login.
  • Your Name - Your real name, so guests receiving invites can recognize you.
  • Your Location - Based on your IP address,
  • Last Login - Last time you used our Service.

Your employee can request following personal information. Only provide these details if you feel secure with your employer:

  • Profile image
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Social security number
  • Account number (payment info)

Through the system following data can also be requested from your employer:

  • Chat message (Also visible to other employees under this employer)
  • Reporting
  • Questionnaires
  • Upload pictures

How we protect your data

  • Privacy is core to our product development.
  • Strict internal access control to data. Only one developer have database access to our data.
  • Continuous backup of all data - cloud-based.
  • Securing logins and all personal data between your browser and our servers through strong SSL certificates.
  • Internal processes for providing in-depth information to users within 72 hours In case of a data breach

Reppio is hosted with Amazon Web Services in Europe, which is currently our only Data Processor for your personal data. All personal logins are stored in google firebase.

Sharing your data

Reppio is fully committed to not share or sell any personal data compiled through the usage of the service to 3rd parties.

Generic and aggregated anonymised data can be used by reppio for information and  editorial purposes.

Your right to be forgotten

At any given moment you can request all your personal data by emailing

If you want to have all your data deleted, please write to referencing the email address, which will have the data linked.

Deleting collected personal data

As long as you have actively used the reppio platform within 12 months, we will keep you data on the platform, unless you require other actions.

If you have not been active on the platform within 12 months all data will be deleted - in a few cases anonymized, in case a complete deletion will break our platform.

Changes to this policy

We might edit this policy for improvements and correctness.

Our users will be informed through usage of the service.

Any major changes will be communicated to registered users via email.

Your Rights

You are in your right to withdraw all consent at any time.

As described above, users always have access to all data for full transparency.

Any complaint can be sent to and/or the Danish data protection authority Datatilsynet. is published, operated and owned by

Reppio IvS

Blegdamsvej 6, Nomad workspace
2200 Copenhagen N